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Ordination Service for Ministers

Submitted by Pastor on 12 October 2023

Greater Framingham Community Church

An Extended Christian Family


                                           Church Theme:                                          

“Year of Miraculous Outpouring & Majestic Praise”

Exodus 15:6, 11


Image removed.Ordination Service


October 8th, 2023 ♦ 2:00 PM



Franklin and Park Streets, PO Box 629

Framingham, MA 01704

Rev. Dr. J. Anthony Lloyd, Pastor


Church Office (508) 626-2118Internet:



Please Note: All services are videotaped\livestreamed, which means the camera spans the congregation at times, and you may be on the screen.

Worship and celebration




Organ and Piano Prelude……….…………..….........................Praise Team

Devotional Prayer……………………...…………….. Deacon Lynn Moore

ProcessionalWe’ve Come This Far By Faith”..Clergy, Ministers, Pastor’s Aide- Hymn #412


Call to Worship………………Psalms 33:1-4…...Deacon Althea Mondley

Invocational Prayer………………..…………………...Deacon Pat Phillips

Statement of Purpose…………...…...…………..Deacon Margaret Lackard

Welcome on Behalf of the Church…………..…………Deacon Gerald Hill


Praise Selection…….……Lord I Lift Your Name on High……Praise Team

Old Testament …………Isaiah 6:1-8………..……….Minister Pat Ramsay

New Testament…… II Timothy 4:1-8……….Minister Marshalee Kelhlem


Praise Selection…………In the Sanctuary……………………Praise Team


 Introduction of Preacher.................................................Mrs. Charlean Heard

Praise Selection………”Blessed Assurance”……………………Praise   Team

Sermon……………………………………..……...Rev. Kenneth A. Young

Pastoral Challenge to Candidates………..…….Rev. Dr. J. Anthony Lloyd

Expression of the Congregation………………...Rev. Dr. J. Anthony Lloyd

Congregational Hymn...“And They Will Know We are Christians”

Act of Ordination…………………..…………...Rev. Dr. J. Anthony Lloyd


 Prayer of Dedication……………..……………….Rev. Kenneth A. Young

(Laying of Hands)

Praise Selection…………….."Anointing”……………………Praise Team
Presentations……………...…………Rev. Dr. J. Anthony Lloyd, Ministers

Benediction………………………………………………Rev. Faith Tolson

Recessional………”I Am On The Battlefield”………. ……….Hymn #480


Fellowship of New Ministers in the Fellowship Hall


Standing Please

Praise Selection





We’ve come this far by faith, leaning on the Lord,
Trusting in His holy Word, He's never failed me yet.
Oh, oh, oh, can't turn a-round,
We've come this far by faith. 


Just the other day, I heard a man say
He didn't believe in God's -Word,
But I can truly say that I have found the way,
And He's never failed me yet.  


Don't be discouraged
When troubles come your way.
He'll bear all your burdens,
And turn all your night into day.  



 Lord, I lift Your name on high 

Lord I love to sing Your praises 

I’m so glad You’re in my life 

I’m so glad You came to save us 


You came from heaven to earth to show the way 

From the earth to the cross, my debt to pay 

From the cross to the grave, from the grave to the sky 

Lord I lift Your name on high 


We lift our hands in the sanctuary 

We lift our hands to give You the glory 

We lift our hands to give You the praise 

And we will praise You for the rest of our days. 

Yes, we will praise You for the rest of our days. 


We clap our hands . . .  


We sing our song . . . 


Hallelujah in the sanctuary . . . 


Jesus!  We give you the praise 

Emmanuel!  We lift up Your name. 

Heavenly Father!  Coming Messiah! 

And we will praise You for the rest of our days. 

Yes, we will praise You for the rest of our days. 


Yes!  Yes Lord for the rest of our days! 


Hallelujah!  Hallelujah!  Hallelujah for the rest of our days!




Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!
Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine!
Heir of salvation, purchase of God,

born of his Spirit, washed in his blood.


This is my story, this is my song,
praising my Savior all the day long.
This is my story, this is my song,

praising my Savior all the day long


Perfect submission, perfect delight,
visions of rapture now burst on my sight.
Angels descending bring from above

echoes of mercy, whispers of love.


Perfect submission, all is at rest.
I in my Savior am happy and bless’d,
watching and waiting, looking above,

filled with his goodness, lost in his love.




We are one in the spirit

We are one in the Lord

We are one in the spirit

We are one in the Lord

And we pray that all unity may one day be restored

And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love

And they'll know that we are Christians by our love


We will walk with each other

We will walk hand in hand

We will walk with each other

We will walk hand in hand

And together we'll spread the news that God is in our land.

And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love

And they'll know that we are Christians by our love

We will work with each other

We will work side by side

We will work with each other

We will work side by side

And we'll guard human dignity and save human pride

And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love

And they'll know that we are Christians by our love

All praise to the Father from whom all things come

And all praise to Christ Jesus, God's only son

And all praise to the Spirit, who makes us one

And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love

And they'll know that we are Christians by our love



Anointing fall on me 

Anointing fall on me 

Let the power of the Holy Ghost fall on me 

Anointing fall on me 



I am on the battlefield for my Lord,
I'm on the battlefield for my Lord;
And I promised Him that I would serve Him till I die.
I am on the battlefield for my Lord.


I was alone and idle,
I was a sinner too,
I heard a voice from heaven
Say there is work to do,
I took the Master's hand,
And I joined the Christian band,
I'm on the battlefield for my Lord. [Refrain]


I left my friends and kindred
Bound for the Promised Land,
The grace of God upon me,
The Bible in my hand,
In distant lands I trod,
Crying, sinner, come to God,
I'm on the battlefield for my Lord. [Refrain]


Now when I met my Savior,
I met Him with a smile,
He healed my wounded spirit,
And owned me as His child,
Around the throne of grace,
He appoints my soul a place,
I'm on the battlefield for my Lord. [Refrain]









Statement of Purpose


Jesus Christ is the Lord of his church. Founded upon the conviction that He is the Son of God, redeemed by His blood, nourished upon His Word, Upheld by His intercession, the church is His body, commissioned to do His will.

Christ did not set up His church and then abandon her. Rather, He sent His Holy Spirit to guide the apostles into all truth, so that the body would have all it needed to do the work Christ intended and also be protected from those forces which would destroy her.

Elders were named in each congregation and given oversight in spiritual matters. Paul Speaks of this responsibility in his charge to the elders from the church in Ephesus:

Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood (Acts 20:28).

A minister’s work may include preaching and teaching, as in 1 Timothy 5:17; praying with the sick, as in James 5:14; shepherding the flock, as in 1 Peter 5:2 and 3, and, from the same passage, serving as a good example.

As ministers to the spiritual welfare of the flock, the apostles were able to concentrate upon prayer and teaching; an incipient division was healed; and the church increased in numbers rapidly.

So it is today. The various ministries in the church complement each other and benefit the whole.

The ministers see that the gospel is preached, taught, and lived; that prayer is continuous; that Christian love and a spirit of unity prevail; that workers are selected and trained, that the straying are brought back into the fold; and that the kingdom Christ extends abroad.

We have come today to set apart those we have selected to serve this congregation as it ministers. Let us ask God’s blessings upon what we do, that His name may be honored and His will be done.








(Leader and candidate will come forward and stand before congregation):

Leader: Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields, that they are white for harvest.

Congregation: Already he who reaps is receiving wages, and is gathering fruit for life eternal, that he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together.

Leader: The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.

Congregation: Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest, to send out workers into His harvest.

Leader: Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?

Candidate: I have heard the call of Christ, and in the words of Isaiah, I respond, “Here am I. Send me.”

Leader (to candidate): Have you,__________________, prayerfully considered the responsibility of living and preaching the gospel, and have you weighed the work involved and the sacrifices you may be called upon to make?

Candidate: I have,

Leader: Do you believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, and that the holy Scriptures are the Word of God to make us wise unto salvation through faith in Him?

Candidate: I do, with all my heart.

Leader: Are you motivated, not out of a desire for position or earthly gain, but by the love of God and of your fellow men, and the wish to glorify Him and save them?

Candidate: I am.

Leader: Will you stive to build up the church, the body of Christ, to prepare God’s people for works of service, to labor for the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God?

Candidate: I will, as God gives me strength.

Leader: Will you endeavor to live a life of love within your family and in the community, and so draw others to Christ through your examples as well as by your word?

Candidate: I will make it the purpose of my life to live for Jesus Christ, and I ask your prayers, and the prayers of this church, to help me in this ministry.

Leader (to the congregation): Have you, members of this Christian assembly, carefully considered the qualifications of __________________ for the work of the ministry as a servant of Christ?

Congregation: We have.

Leader: Are you satisfied that he will be a worthy messenger and representative of the Lord Jesus Christ?

Congregation: We are.

Leader: Are you willing that he should be ordained to the Christian ministry?

Congregation: We are.


The Laying on of hands:

Leader (to candidate): You have declared your purpose to give your life in the service of Jesus Christ, and have received the approval of this church. In order that you may be formally set apart for this holy calling, will you now kneel and receive the laying on of hands as we ask the blessing of God upon your ministry.

( The candidate kneels and the elders lay their hands upon his head.)





Rev. Kenneth A. Young


Pastor Kenneth Young is an anointed gospel preacher. Through his ministry, he seeks to reach the lost and care for “the least of these.”

Pastor Young earned a bachelor’s degree in Bible and Theology (concentration in Religious Studies) from American Baptist College, graduating with honors, in 2010. While in Nashville, he served as Overseer of Christian Education for the College Ministry of over 2,500 students at Mount Zion Baptist Church, Bishop Joseph Walker III, pastor. He also worked as a manager at Kroger where he was nominated for the Division’s President’s Award. 


He has completed a Master of Arts in Religion and a master’s degree in Church History graduating with honors at the Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in South Hamilton, Massachusetts. He is a: Michael Haynes Scholar, Byington Scholar, member of the Theta Alpha Epsilon Honor Society, and served as

president of the Black Student Association. He was honored to be chosen as a 100 Men of Color in Connecticut and Western Massachusetts. He is currently serving as Director of External Relationships at Massachusetts Council of Churches. He is honored to serve as Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Haverhill, MA.  


He has worked with many community service organizations including A. Philip Randolph Institute, Red Cross, Urban EpiCenter, and many more. Through this service, he has come to realize that the Bible is not just a book for Christians to read. The Bible is alive and the world should see it daily! Pastor Young believes that ministry needs to take root in desolate areas. He hopes to carry his ministry to impoverished regions helping in the areas of education and employment.

Pastor Young is a native of Sylvester, GA. He is the middle of three children to Robert and Sue Young. Pastor Young is married to the love of his life, Adrianne D. Gladden-Young. He is the father of two daughters, Jael Rose Young and Zion Micah Young.



Minister Quincy Mosby

Quincy resides in Marlboro MA with his wife Dawn. Born in Memphis, Tennessee to a large family His mother was a significant person in his life for spiritual development and Quincy attributes a great part of his early childhood upbringing to her maternal religious guidance. For his formative years he was a member of Main Street Church of God in Christ where he was involved in and gave leadership to Youth Sunday, Superintendent of Young Adult Sunday School, a soloist in the Praise team quartet known as the "Lemonetts” and playing the drums and singing in the mass choir where he would mature in his Christian Faith and church ministry. Qunicy enlisted in the United States Air Force which would expose him to the larger world and cement his lifetime of service to the country. He is the father of two grown children and through high school, college, and 28 years of active-duty military service he would cultivate a love for God and desire to know God's purpose for his life. Having preached his first sermon at age 12 he would relocate to Massachusetts to begin his corporate aviation career and join Zion Union Church. in Hyannis MA. It was there that he formalized his call to preach, serving on the ministerial staff and being licensed to preach.
He would meet his future wife and be united in fellowship with her home church known as GFCC in 2012. On September 1, 2013, he was licensed to preach at GFCC and began serving on the Ministerial staff. He has given leadership to Men's Christian Fellowship, Men's Bible study, GFCC Golf Scholarship, Teaching Sunday School, preaching and
leading worship. Quincy is currently attending Yale Divinity School pursuing his Master of Religion degree.





Minister Beverly Thompson


Minister Thompson resides in Marlboro, MA with her husband Kevin celebrating 29 years of marriage. Prior to uniting in fellowship with GFCC in 1998 she was a long-time member of Calvary Church of Christ, Detroit Michigan. Her formative years saw her active in Sunday school, Vacation bible school, youth choir, youth meetings and recitations for Easter and Christmas programs. Her love for and giftedness in music saw her at age 16 directing the Calvary Youth Ensemble for seven years. This giftedness would blossom in leading worship under the adage: “Be Ye Always Ready.”

From her summers at “Word of Life Camp” in Schroon Lake, New York to the dietetics program at the Mercy College of Detroit, she would complete her undergraduate education and relocate to Massachusetts. She would go on to take courses at Gordon Conwell Theological seminary, as well as receiving a Master of Business Administration at Fitchburg State University.

At GFCC she has given leadership in the Women’s ministry, serving in Pastor’s Aide ministry, singing in the Gospel Chorale, teaching in Adult Sunday School, preaching and leading worship. Minister Beverly Thompson currently serves as Director of Food & Nutrition at Baystate Medical Center.


Minister Belinda Derr Mpagazehe

Belinda grew up in the beautiful Western Piedmont area of North Carolina. She is the second daughter and third child of Benjamin and Carrie Derr. Her siblings are her brother, Louis, and sisters, Gloria, Doris, Pamela, and Rosemary. She was mentored in her faith by her parents, grandparents, and church leaders.

Belinda attended Friendship Missionary Baptist Church under the leadership of Rev. Jesse Alexander. Growing up as a daughter of the church, she attended Sunshine Band, Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Prayer meetings, morning and Sunday evening services, and Baptist Training Union (BTU). In her late teens, her family relocated to Boston, Massachusetts where she attended 12th Baptist Church in Roxbury for many years under the leadership of Rev. Dr. Michael E. Haynes. She also was a member of Bethel A.M.E pastored by Rev. Dr. Ray Hammond and Rev. Dr. Gloria White-Hammond.

Belinda moved to the Metrowest area of Massachusetts where she joined and attended Greater Framingham Community Church for a short while pastored by Rev. Cameron Byrd. Later, she returned to GFCC under the leadership of Rev. Dr. J. Anthony Lloyd. Where she has worship and served for over 30 years.

While in Boston, she met and married Charles Mpagazehe and was blessed to be the parents of Khari, Jeremiah, and Joshua.

Belinda attended Boston State College (now UMASS BOSTON) graduating with an undergraduate degree in Sociology and a minor in Spanish. She worked as a social worker at the Roxbury Multi-Service Center before enrolling in the Teacher Certification Program at Framingham State College (now University). Belinda enjoyed teaching in both the public and Christian sectors of education.

Belinda studied at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary before transferring her credits to Rockbridge Seminary from where she graduated in 2020 with the degree of Master of Ministry Leadership (MML).

Having accepted her call to ministry she was licensed at GFCC. Intentionally seeking to become a disciple of Christ, she served in choirs, Christian Education, Intercessory Prayer ministries, Women’s Ministries, taught Discipleship classes, and Women’s Bibles studies, led retreats, and workshops, as well as serving in the areas of preaching and leading in worship. Belinda also served at prisons, and resident nursing facilities as a spiritual leader, teacher, and preacher.

She is the author of Is God Good? Who’s Asking?






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Rev. Dr. J. Anthony Lloyd, Pastor

Ministerial Staff


Rev. Dr. Richard Keyes

Rev. Dr. Courtney Lackard

Minister Quincy Mosby

Minister Beverly Thompson

Rev. Liz Clinkscales

Minister Gail Simpson

Minister Marshalee Kelhlem

Minister Pat Ramsay

Minister Karen Blake

Minister Almarie Dawkins


Minister Belinda D. Mpagazehe


Deacon Board


Deacon Ruby Bishop 

Deacon Amanda Hyman

Deacon Marguerite Lackard

Deacon Gloria Lee

Deacon Addie Burgan

Deacon Althea Mondley

Deacon Lula Evelyn  

Deacon Lynn Moore

Deacon Robert Evelyn

Deacon Moses Osagie
Deacon Donna Crutchfield Lundy

Deacon Tracey Bryant

Deacon Merrily Herring

Deacon Patricia Phillips

Deacon Gerald Hill    

Deacon Ev Reynolds

Deacon Vernon Hines

Deacon Annette Woodson

Deacon Jean Hoskins 

Deacon Rose Accam

Deacon Celanie Simpson

Deacon Courtney Burrell      



Pastor’s Aide Ministry


Charleen Heard, Chairperson Anthony Lee, Vice Chair Sheron Daley

Donald Heard

Audrey Anderson    

Lanita Butler  

Willie Mae Martin

Gladys Calder            

Virginia Nicholson    

Miriam Sithole

Minister Beverly Thompson

Ashema Marie Kasongo

Sara Webb

Maya Brown

Cherie Phillips

Brendaline Willis

Judy Reed

Beverly Daley


